Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Beware of this fraudster!

To the owner of mobile phone number 016-2165498:

May you come to your senses when you start calling people up and tell them that you work for some credit card governing body that wants to send out to back up card for card users.

There is no reason for such a "governing body" to send out "back up" credit cards when the users do not even require them.

It is not logical that such "governing body" would need to inquire about credit card details over the phone when they should have access to such information via issuing banks.

I believe Malaysian mobile service providers are not so advanced, yet, that they would provide recording facilities for teleconversations through their mobile line.

So please come to your senses as I am not as gullible as you think. I hope others out there are not as well.

I sincerely hope you would stop this act. Your religion is strongly against cheating. Five prayers a day will not save you from your sin.

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