Sunday, August 24, 2008

I'm back!

I could not believe myself. After more than 3 years and 4 months, I decided to start posting in "my blog"(inverted commas because I don't think it would want to declare myself as its rightful owner after having to abandon it for sooo long)again. Why? Maybe it's time to once again pen down the recollection of my thoughts and events happening in my life. Once again? It is as though I'd been doing this for a very long time. Haha! I must be kidding myself! Browsing through my long forgotten blog, I only had like 4 or 5 pathetic postings!

Thanks to my soon-to-due research paper for my degree, which made me subscribed to a lousy mobile broadband called U Mobile (well, it's cheap!), and of course having the convenience of VP's Vaio laptop with me(of course I won't forget your contribution, dear!), I'm back to blogging!

So much had happened during this hiatus. Moved back to my hometown Ipoh from Singapore for a year, then shifted to KL to end up where I am now. From an unfinished arhitecture degree program, to pursuing accounting professional qualification. From a full-time student to a full-time "labourer" who still studies. I must say A LOT has happened! But then again, whose life could possibly go uneventful in the course of 3 years or so? Well, I shall put all those behind, not wanting to recollect all of them for the sake of gracing a page in this blog. To draw from my previous posting, it is excrutiating and tiring to rewind my thoughts to the past! So, using one of my favourite quotes these days, let this be the beginning of a new chapter!

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