What a way to grace my blog after a 2-month hiatus. I guess my personal life will never get that dramatic to motivate myself penning it down. That's simply because my home state Perak has never gotten such grandiour media attention for decades (or even for centuries I bet!) Imagine, the work Perak appearing on the cover page headlines of ALL the national newspapers, for consecutively one week! As a Perakian, should I be proud of all these sudden attention that my home state is receiving? Certainly NOT!
I shall not pain myself by writing down the dreadful details of the process of this political shift in the state government of Perak, even though it is not materialised just yet at the time of my blog entry. In a matter of hours, a new Menteri Besar will be sworn in, representing the new formed Barisan National-led state government, replacing the previous Pakatan Rakyat formation. But believe me, the matter will not be put at rest as the previous state government will retaliate till their last breath. Who would give up so easily when they are just warming up their state assembly seats and the leather seats of their Toyota Camry cars are still new!
We must thank the creators of the drama for enabling us to witness such historical joke in our politic scene, i.e. the 4 grasshoppers who hopped on to the weighing scale that is anything BUT balanced! (They claimed that they would remain independent of any alliances for the time being but had expressed their support to BN)

This "Grasshopper Strategy" is nothing new as Pakatan Rakyat had explicitly expressed that they would implement this strategy to trash the current government time and again since last September, although their attempts proved futile. I guess they could not have imagined this ingenious strategy of theirs would work against them, causing them to lose a quarter of their foothold in Malaysia.
So to the geniuses who are planning to put their legal know-how into practice and weaving their way through the judicial system, good luck thrashing the royal ruler's decision and getting your dissolution of state assembly. I'm sure the voters will be faithful still in the next state election, if there would be any. Funny thing that the most popular profession in DAP is likely to be lawyer!
To those who managed to convince the grasshoppers to hop by, your actions are deemed "highly moral" because there is no law exists to go against that. But I am already hearing voices to suggest passing an Anti-Hopping Law.
For those who are just simply enjoying all these antics by our highly intelligent politicians, please sit back and relax as I'm sure there are more to come!